Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Love - Hate Skirt

Why do I love and hate this skirt?  Many reasons...

My first skirt project.
 I have forgotten how terrible I am at yoked skirts.  When I got to the yoke waist, I remembered a similar skirt I made twenty years ago where the tip puckered.  I just figured out what I did wrong this week when a pattern instructor reminded me that points should never be completely pointed.  I should actually sew a couple of stitches at the tip so it rounds slightly.  This makes for easier sewing (especially production sewing) and less likely to pucker.

The skirt is also too big.  I altered it to fit me, and then I lost some weight, so now I'm too lazy to adjust the size down.  It's a good two inches too big.  (During the weight loss, my waist suddenly appeared again.)

Take a look at these two photos.'s not a new skirt.  It's my skirt inside out.  The inside actually looks way better than the outside.  I Hong Kong seamed it beautifully if I do say so myself.  Sadly, the right side was unworthy of the work on the wrong side of the skirt.

The fabric itself looked better on the bolt.  It's this beautiful cotton wool chambray.  Unfortunately, it's so loosely weaved that it was very unforgiving when I made mistakes.  It was also a lot flimsier than expected.  The fabric is more blouse than skirt material.  It's also a shortish skirt.  I am afraid that a light wind will blow the skirt right up.  (Remember what your mother told you...always wear clean underwear.  You never know when you'll be part of an emergency situation.)

It's just one of those projects that I spent a lot of hours tweaking because the fabric was difficult, the pattern was poorly constructed, and the sewist had general brain fog.  Oh...did I mention that the skirt makes me look like I gained all my weight back?  I'm thinking about donating it unless I find someone to take it off my hands.

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